Restorative Justice Summit: Call for Proposals

The West Virginia Restorative Justice Project will be leading a state-wide conference on June 14 and June 15, 2024 at West Virginia Wesleyan in Buchannon, West Virginia. The two day event will be designed to provide opportunities to learn about the potential for restorative justice in our schools, courts, and communities as well as provide a chance to join other West Virginians who are working to improve the welfare of our citizens. The WVRJP is issuing a call for proposals for workshops, panel presentations, speakers or other presentations for the workshop. Presenters will receive free registration as well as room and board for the conference. Submissions are due on February 1, 2024.

Join our monthly Restorative Justice Roundtable!

Our monthly virtual Restorative Justice Roundtable group discusses Restorative Justice media and topics to expand our knowledge and create meaningful relationships with our community. The Roundtable group has currently been suspended until 2024, but please feel free to join our conversation by signing up below and we’ll let you know as soon as they resume!